Provincie Limburg Business Directory Page 42

Provincie Limburg Business directory Page 42

> Netherlands > Provincie Limburg

Business entries of Provincie Limburg are gathered here with contact-data, hours and ratings. You can add your own business entry or association here.

Provincie Limburg entries

There were 70566 entries found


Mariabastion 21
6217 NB Maastricht

 043 3473005
 043 3473005

Stationsstraat 48
6584 AW Molenhoek

 31 24 3582934
 31 24 3880514

Hekerbeek 41
6166 HX Geleen

 046 4752750

Reinert 1
6351 HK Bocholtz

 31 45 5446173
 31 45 5446176


Papenw 16
6261 NE Mheer

 043 4571978

Mercator 3
6135 KW Sittard


Lingsforterweg 61
5944 BB Arcen

 31 77 4739214

Hochterpoort 17
6211 BT Maastricht


Ir Rocourtstr 28
6245 AD Eijsden

 31.(43) 409 93 33
 31.(43) 409 48 65

Kotterweg 21
6222 NR Maastricht


Kruitwg 2
5801 XT Venray

 06 53252290
 0478 642655

Pastoor Vranckenln. 69
5953 CN Reuver


Janslust 8
5812 AT Heide

 0478 589508
 0478 550225

Ellerweg 17
6037 RR Kelpen-oler

 31.(495) 65 77 10
 31.(495) 65 77 20

Euregiopark 10
6467 JE Kerkrade


Kapelkesweg 1
5768 AW Meijel


Eikenlaan 5
6163 TK Geleen

 31 46 4756131

Rubensln 9
6006 PE Weert

 0495 542727
 0495 542727

Burg Janssenstraat 43
5954 BP Beesel


Pastoor Vranckenlaan 51
5953 CN Reuver

 31 77 4744242
 31 77 4744490

<< 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 >>


Cities & surrounding

Provincie Limburg branches and surrounding

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Economic activity March 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Provincie Limburg in this month. This month 15 companies were registered, 54 were updated and 42 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Provincie Limburg March 2025Diagram Provincie LimburgDiagram Provincie Limburg March 2025UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Provincie Limburg with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Provincie Limburg 2025Statistics Provincie LimburgStatistics Provincie Limburg 202501632486480February 2025January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Provincie Limburg