Heeze Business Directory Page 29

Heeze Business directory Page 29

> Netherlands > North Brabant > Gemeente Heeze-Leende > Heeze

Business entries of Heeze are gathered here containing contact-address, opening hours and reviews of customers. You can enlist your own company entry or organization here.

Heeze entries

There were 2014 entries found


Strabrecht 11
5591 BN Heeze

 040 2262171

Spoetnik 5
5591 PG Heeze

 040 2261185

Beukenlaan 17
6029 PX Sterksel


Jasmijn 5
5386 ES Geffen



Molenstraat 22
5391 AV Nuland


Weerscheut 12
5381 GV Vinkel

 073 5321571
 073 5324820

Industrieweg 109
5591 JL Heeze

 040.226 15 22
 040.226 36 13

Kerkstr 38
5391 AA Nuland

 073 5324050
 073 5322407


Lithsedk 80
5397 EE Lith

 06 20010478
 0412 483171

Veldstraat 37
5386 AW Geffen


Industriewg 85
5591 JL Heeze

 040 2262620
 0493 342530

Ginderover 9
5591 JM Heeze

 040 2264172
 040 2265528

Atlas 32
5591 PK Heeze

 040 2263652
 040 2263652

Emmerikstraat 3
5591 HW Heeze


Kloosterstraat 2
5394 AK Oijen


Brugpad 11
5397 BD Lith

 0412 481912

Geldropseweg 120
5591 ED Heeze


Geldropsewg 98
5591 ED Heeze

 040 2260077
 040 2260572

Past V Hapertstr 1
5397 BJ Lith

 0412 481233

Bedrijvenweg 10
PB 18
5386 KA Geffen


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Cities & surrounding

Heeze branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Heeze in this month. This month 16 companies were registered, 13 were updated and 43 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Heeze December 2024Diagram HeezeDiagram Heeze December 2024DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Heeze with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Heeze 2024Statistics HeezeStatistics Heeze 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Heeze